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The EMED stick rake is a robust and powerful solution for efficiently clearing land and dams, tackling even the most challenging materials and navigating tough vegetation and debris effortlessly.
Width: 850mm
Tynes: 7
Tyne Pitch: 123mm
Tyne Thickness: 14mm
Weight: 106kg
Ideal for:
Due to the dimensions of this item, all deliveries will be shipped to the closest freight depot, or Commercial business with forklift facilities. Please note, that any location with a house is considered a residential property, including farms and businesses
Please contact us for a quote for business to business or home delivery 1300 020 317 or
Please Advise your machines Make, Model & Pickup Specifications in special instructions during checkout.
Factory 3, 217 Colchester Rd, Melbourne VIC 3137, Australia
1300 020 317